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Dr. Çağlar Ataman


Caglar  AtamanÇağlar Ataman received his PhD in electrical engineering in 2008 from Koç University (Istanbul, Turkey) in the area of MOEMS display and imaging systems and FTIR spectroscopy. Same year, he joined the Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Laboratory (SAMLAB) of EPFL (Neuchatel, Switzerland) as a post-doctoral researcher, developing novel MEMS micromirror components. He joined the Microsystems for Space Technologies Laboratory of the same institute in 2011 to be responsible for the development of a MEMS based electrostatic satellite propulsion system and various electrospray characterization equipment.

Since 2012, he is a group leader in the Micro-Optics Laboratory of IMTEK, specializing on miniaturized medical imaging tools particularly for endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography.

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