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Lars Pastewka

 Prof. Dr. Lars Pastewka

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HiWi positions!

We are currently looking for motivated students with experience in developing web applications, in particular with Python, JavaScript, AJAX and ideally Django and Vue.js. We are developing graphical user interfaces for research data management. If you interested, please contact Michael Rötter or Lars Pastewka.

Selected Publications

Adam R. Hinkle, Wolfram G. Nöhring, Richard Leute, Till Junge, Lars Pastewka
The emergence of small-scale self-affine surface roughness from deformation
Science Advances 6, eaax0847 (2020)
See also: News & Views by Astrid S. De Wijn, Nature 578, 366 (2020)

Siddhesh Dalvi, Abhijeet Gujrati, Subarna R. Khanal, Lars Pastewka, Ali Dhinojwala, Tevis D. B. Jacobs
Linking energy loss in soft adhesion to surface roughness
PNAS 116, 25484 (2019)

Bart Weber, Tomislav Suhina, Till Junge, Lars Pastewka, Albert M. Brouwer, Daniel Bonn
Molecular probes reveal deviations from Amontons’ law in multi-asperity frictional contacts
Nature Communications 9, 888 (2018)

Daniele Savio, Lars Pastewka, Peter Gumbsch
Boundary lubrication of heterogeneous surfaces and the onset of cavitation in frictional contacts
Science Advances 2, e1501585 (2016)


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