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Journal Articles

Years: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998 | 1995
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    • Saguy, A., Jünger, F., Peleg, A., Ferdman, B., Nehme, E., Rohrbach, A., Shechtman, Y.
      From speckle patterns to superior-resolved images by deep learning in Rotating Coherent Scattering Microscopy
      2021 Optics Express, volume: 29, pages: 23877 - 23887
    • Omidvar,R., Ayala,Y. A., Brandel, A., Hasenclever, L., Helmstädter, M., Rohrbach, A., Römer, W., Madl, J.
      Quantification of nanoscale forces in lectin-mediated bacterial attachment and uptake into giant liposomes
      2021 Nanoscale, volume: 13, issue: 7, pages: 4016 - 4028
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    • Landenberger B, Yatish, Rohrbach A
      Towards non-blind optical tweezing by finding 3D refractive index changes through off-focus interferometric tracking
      2021 Nature Communications, volume: 12, issue: 1, page: 6922


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    • Rohrbach, A. , Kress, H., Stelzer, E.H.K.
      Reply to comment on : Trapping forces, force constants and potential depths for dielectric spheres in the presence of spherical aberrations
      2004 Appl. Opt., volume: 43, issue: 9, pages: 1827 - 1829
    • Kress, Holger, Stelzer, Ernst H.K. , Rohrbach, Alexander
      Tilt angle dependent 3D-position detection of a trapped cylindrical particle in a focused laser beam
      2004 Appl.Phys.Letters, volume: 84, issue: 18, pages: 4271 - 4273
    • Rohrbach, A., Tischer, C., Neumayer, D., Florin, E. L., Stelzer, E. H. K.
      Trapping and tracking a local probe with a Photonic Force Microscope
      2004 Rev Sci Instrum, volume: 75, issue: 6, pages: 2197 - 2210


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    • Rohrbach, A. , Kress, H., Stelzer, E.H.K.
      Three-dimensional tracking of small spheres in focused laser beams: influence of the detection angular aperture
      2003 Optics Letters, volume: 28, pages: 411 - 413


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    • Rohrbach, A. , Stelzer, E.H.K.
      Three-dimensional position detection of optically trapped dielectric particles
      2002 J. Appl. Phys., volume: 91, issue: 8, pages: 5474 - 5488
    • Rohrbach, A. , Stelzer, E.H.K.
      Trapping forces, force constants and potential depths for dielectric spheres in the presence of spherical aberrations
      2002 Appl. Opt., volume: 41, issue: 13, pages: 2494 - 2507


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    • Rohrbach, A. , Stelzer, E.H.K.
      Optical trapping of dielectric particles in arbitrary fields
      2001 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, volume: 18, issue: 4, pages: 839 - 853


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    • Rohrbach, A.
      Observing secretory granules with a multi-angle evanescent wave microscope
      2000 Biophysical Journal, volume: 78, pages: 2641 - 2654
    • Lang, T., Wacker, I., Wunderlich, I., Rohrbach, A., Giese, G., Soldati, T., Almers, W.
      Role of actin cortex in the subplasmalemmal transport of secretory granules in pc-12 cells
      2000 Biophysical Journal, volume: 78, pages: 2863 - 2877


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    • Rohrbach, A., Singer, W.
      Scattering of a scalar field at dielectric surfaces by Born series expansion
      1998 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, volume: 15, issue: 10, pages: 2651 - 2659


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    • Rohrbach, A., Brenner, K.H.
      Surface-relief phase structures generated by light-initiated polymerization
      1995 Applied Optics, volume: 34, pages: 4747 - 4754

    Book chapters

    Years: 2009 | 2007 | 2003 | 1992
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      • C. Wachten, C. Ament, L. Friedrich, C. Müller, H. Reinecke
        Hybrid Controller for Tracking Systems
        In: Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
        2009, Springer Verlag,


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      • A. Rohrbach, E. H. K. Stelzer
        Optical trapping of small particles
        In: Optical Imaging and Microscopy
        2007, Springer Verlag Heidelberg, page: 455 ff.,


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      • Rohrbach, A. , Huisken, J. , Stelzer, E.H.K.
        Optical trapping of small particles
        In: Optical Imaging and Microscopy
        2003, Springer Verlag,
      • Jonkman, J.E.N. , Swoger, J. , Kress, H. , Rohrbach, A. , Stelzer,E.H.K.
        Resolution in Optical Microscopy
        2003, , volume: 360, pages: 416 - 446,


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      • Brenner, K.-H, Bagado, G., Merklein, T., Rohrbach, A.
        Fabrication of micro-optic elements by UV-initiated polymerization
        In: Integrated Optics and Micro-Optics with Polymers
        1992, Teubner-Texte, pages: 117 - 191,

      Conference papers

      Years: 2005 | 2001
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        • Neumayer, D., P. Kaiser, et al.
          Interferometric tracking of two particles with dynamic optical traps.
          2005 SPIE , volume: 5859, pages: 33 - 39
        • Kress, H., E. H. K. Stelzer et al.
          Measuring and adjusting the trapping position in optical tweezers.
          2005 DGaO
        • Seitz, P. C., E. H. K. Stelzer, et al.
          Trapping and tracking in the presence of phase disturbances.
          2005 SPIE , volume: 5930, pages: 593005 - 593014


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        • Rohrbach, A., E. L. Florin, et al.
          Photonic Force Microscopy: Simulation of principles and applications.
          2001 SPIE , volume: 4431, pages: 75 - 86
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