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Prof. Alexander Rohrbach

Short CV

I studied physics at the university of Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany), where I did my diploma in 1994 at the institute of optics.

During my PhD in physics in Heidelberg I investigated different kinds of light scattering at the local Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics, as well as evanescent wave microscopy at the Max-Planck-Institute for medical research in Heidelberg. In both cases I worked on applications in cell biology.

After my PhD in 1998, I continued my research as a Post-Doc at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg. I intensified my studies on microscopy, light scattering and optical forces.

In 2001 I became project leader of the photonic force microscopy group at EMBL, where I concentrated on the further technical development of this scanning probe microscopy and on applications in biophysics and soft matter physics.

In 2005 I was awarded with the habilitation in physics at the university of Heidelberg.

Since January 2006 I have been a full professor for Bio- and Nano-Photonics at IMTEK, Faculty of engineering and since 2007 also a member of the physics faculty, University of Freiburg.

I love mathematical models and I hate when the performance of scientists is squeezed into metric numbers.

My hobbies are tennis, road-biking /mountain-biking and playing piano.

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